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Tips for Maintaining a Healthy Work/Life Balance in 2024

To maintain a healthy work/life balance, there are multiple ways to do so. These include staying organized by setting realistic deadlines to something as simple as leaving some time of the day to yourself.

From defining your priorities and goals to settling your finances, join Pacific Prime UK to learn about tips to maintain good work/life balance for a healthy, productive year ahead!

Basic Work/Life Balance Tips

Whether you’re working remote or at the office, achieving positivity and a healthy work/life balance is crucial. The ongoing evolution of technology and potential demands at work could leave you feeling overwhelmed and possibly stressed.

Fortunately, a healthy work/life balance is not outside the realm of possibility. Below are some basic tips and tricks to help you maintain a healthy but productive work/life balance.

Set Realistic Deadlines

Time management can sometimes be a nuisance with deadline after deadline and additional duties could pop up unexpectedly. The piled up deadlines and potential unexpected duties popping up could lead to overworking and burnout.

You can start by setting up a schedule for yourself. Try breaking the series of tasks into smaller, manageable tasks and arrange them by priority. Setting up a schedule will help you prioritize your tasks correctly so that you can finish one task at a time and not stress out from overworking.

Furthermore, by setting realistic deadlines, you can reduce the likelihood of feeling overwhelmed and focus on increasing your productivity while feeling more motivated.

Give Yourself Some “Me”-Time

You can take a break by going for a walk during your lunch break or hanging out with your friends. Going for a walk, being a form of exercise, can reduce stress you may have gained from tasks during work hours.

Giving yourself some “me”-time helps you unwind and recharge, allowing your brain and body to rest. Quality “me”-time will also provide you with enhanced efficiency and productivity. That way, you can resume work with a fresh and stress-free mindset when you head back to the office.

Take Good Care of Your Health

In addition to taking breaks in between and exercising by going out for a walk, be sure to take good care of your physical health after work and on the weekends (and any days off). Get a good night’s sleep each day, drink plenty of water, and maintain a healthy diet.

A healthy diet can improve your cognitive function and prevent chronic diseases, while drinking plenty of water helps you feel refreshed and positive so you can deal with those daily tasks and help take care of your mental health as well.

Financial Wellness

Now, there’s more to maintaining a good work/life balance than taking care of your health and staying organized. Since we were just talking about staying stress-free, one of those methods to do so is to take control of your finances.

Financial matters, ranging from debts to various bills, is one of the biggest factors that can contribute to stress and affect the ability to maintain one’s work/life balance due to the impact on mental health.

In this section, we’re gonna be discussing tips for both employees and employers alike, how employees can settle their finances as well as how employers can help employees do so.

Settling Finances for Employees

Create a Budget

The first step for employees to settle their finances is to create a budget. While this may seem like a daunting task, your income and expenses will really come in handy.

Start by working out your monthly income and check your bank statement to examine your spendings in each month.

You can divide your spendings into important expenses such as rentals, taxes, or mortgage fees, and expenses you can slow down on such as shopping and dining choices.

Pay Off Your Debts

The most common source of financial stress, which then affects mental health and overall work/life balance, is the burden of unpaid debts. These could include credit card fees, certain medical bills, or unpaid rent.

Since you’re already setting up a budget based on your income and spendings, you can dedicate a portion of your income to paying off these debts.

By proactively eliminating debts, employees can effectively relieve themselves of the financial stress stemming from the burden and maintain a healthy, productive work/life balance.

Financial Assistance Tips for Employers

Communicate with your Employees

Communicating with your employees is the first and most important step in helping them settle their finances. Employees could have a multitude of lingering financial concerns that could stress them out, such as childcare and tuition fees.

You can ask them if they have any financial difficulties and offer them the opportunity to suggest how you can help them. You could also add to your existing employee benefit plans by incorporating financial assistance such as tuition, childcare, or medical coverage.

By effectively communicating with your employees, you’re not only contributing to alleviating their financial concerns, but you’re also fostering good working relationships and contributing to helping them maintain a healthy, stress-free work/life balance.

Align Benefits With Your Employees’ Needs

Speaking of aligning employee benefits, the next step in helping your employees settle their finances is to adapt your employee benefits plan and align them with their unique needs.

Employee benefit plans that do not align with employees’ unique healthcare and financial needs will cause confusion and stress, which not only affects employees’ ability to settle their finances but also their mental health, which then affects their work/life balance.

Let’s say your employee has to pay off their child’s tuition fees in X-amount of time but is concerned about not being able to save up in time, this is where you come in.

You can add tuition fee reimbursement as part of an employee benefit plan, which will help alleviate your employees’ concerns over tuition payments for their child.

By making sure your employee benefit plans align with your employees’ needs, you not only help your employees settle their finances, but also contribute to maintaining a healthy work/life balance in the long run.


In conclusion, a healthy work/life balance involves not only work and health factors, but also finances. From employees determining their budget to employers lending a helping hand, work/life balance will contribute to a positive and cooperative work environment where employees’ voices are heard.

With the growing awareness for mental health and wellbeing, there are many ways to optimize your company’s employee benefits to ensure proper care for your employees. That is where we come in, as Pacific Prime’s experts are happy to help you out!

Being a global insurance broker and employee benefits’ specialist, Pacific Prime not only has 20 years in insurance, but also advises on employee benefits to ensure your employees’ voices are heard.

Should you have any questions in navigating employee benefits, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us.

Content Writer at Pacific Prime UK
Wish Sutthatothon (Nickname: Guy) is currently a content writer at Pacific Prime Thailand, an insurance broker that connects individuals and businesses with insurance providers worldwide. He creates and edits blog articles, guides, reports, webpages, and other types of digital content.

He graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Communication Arts, Media & Communication major (concentration: Creative Content) from Mahidol University International College (MUIC). During the compulsory major elective period in the summer of 2021 and voluntarily during the summer of 2022, he also interned as a video and photo editor at Mbrella Films.

He has experience working as an English Content Writer at a real estate buying/renting/selling platform in Thonglor. There, he crafted company blog posts on a multitude of topics. Topics include market trends, legal issues and disputes in property businesses, financial guides, expat guides, home insurance, home decoration and maintenance, and weekly real estate news quick-recaps. Occasionally, as part of the blog-writing process, he would also translate existing Thai blogs to English.

In his free time, Guy enjoys doing scriptwriting and storytelling for comic strips, watching movies, and listening to music (particularly film scores).
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