Download your copy of our guide on Local vs International Health Insurance in Singapore

Are you moving to Singapore, and/or looking for health insurance in the city? Those looking for health coverage will quickly find that there are a wealth of choices available - some might say there’s too much choice! To make the buying and comparison process easier for you, we’ve created this handy guide to help you navigate your health insurance options and find the right plan.

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Learn about health insurance in Singapore

With so many plans to choose form, and insurance jargon that can seem like a foreign language, getting the right health insurance is not always easy. To help you approach the purchasing process with greater confidence, our guide gives readers the lowdown on Medishield Life, local plans, and international health insurance.

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A wealth of Singapore health insurance advice at your fingertips

To help you select the best health insurance in Singapore, our guide addresses the most important aspects to consider when comparing and buying coverage in the city. We achieve this by answering the most commonly asked questions about health plans in Singapore, such as:

  • What are the main differences between Medishield Life, local health insurance, and international health insurance?
  • What are the pros and cons of each medical insurance option?
  • How and what do I need to consider when comparing my health insurance options?
  • What are the main issues with local and lower tier plans I should watch out for?

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Find out how to select the best health insurance

Here, our team of Singapore insurance advisors divulge key health insurance advice.
The complimentary guide is divided into four easy-to-digest sections:

    1. Types of health insurance in Singapore
    2. Why IPMI is the superior choice
    3. How do I know if IPMI is the best fit?
    4. Where can I go for health insurance in Singapore?

Learn more about Pacific Prime Singapore

Established in Hong Kong in 2000, and in the Lion City over a decade ago, Pacific Prime has flourished from its humble beginnings to become the world’s leading provider of international health insurance products. Visit our site, or check out our blog to stay up-to-date on all things insurance-related:

Get the Local vs International Health Insurance in Singapore 2018-2019 guide today

Get your free copy of the Local vs International Health Insurance in Singapore 2018-2019 guide today.

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