Download your copy of our 2019 Maternity Insurance guide

Forming a new family unit can be a big step. And when you're living away from your home country, that step can be much, much bigger. Getting as much information as you can on maternity in Singapore is, therefore, imperative when planning for pregnancy. Download your free copy of our 2019 Maternity Insurance guide to learn about the ins and outs of maternity insurance and care today.

Download the 2019 Maternity Insurance guide

Maternity insurance explained

Whether you're planning to welcome a new bundle of joy now or in a few years, it's always a good idea to get maternity insurance sooner. This is because most maternity insurance policies come with a waiting period ranging from anywhere between 10 to 24 months, meaning cover must be obtained well ahead of conception. Download our guide today to learn everything expats need to know about buying a maternity insurance policy in Singapore.

Get the Guide

A wealth of maternity insurance information at your fingertips

Utilizing our insurance advisors and moms' 13 years of experience in the field of maternity insurance, this free-to-download guide answers the most commonly asked questions about maternity care and insurance in the Lion City, including:

  • What are Singapore's most popular maternity hospitals?
  • What is the cost of pre-natal, delivery, and post-natal care in Singapore?
  • What maternity insurance benefits do I need?
  • What insurance terms and items do I need to know?
  • Do health insurance plans cover Zika?

Get the Guide

Learn everything you need to know about maternity insurance in Singapore

Leveraging Pacific Prime's veteran knowledge of maternity cover,
this informative guide is divided into six easy-to-read sections:

    1. Singapore hospitals
    2. The cost of giving birth in Singapore
    3. Insurance terms & coverage items explained
    4. Coverage options to look out for
    5. Maternity insurance and Zika
    6. How Pacific Prime Singapore can help

Learn more about Pacific Prime Singapore

Pacific Prime Singapore is the Lion City's premier health and maternity insurance advisor. To find out more about us, visit our website, or check out our blog to brush up your insurance knowledge:

Get the 2019 Maternity Insurance guide today

Get your free copy of the 2019 Maternity Insurance guide today.

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